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Our Mission

Improve human movement performance across all parts of life

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We help people move better. Our AI-powered technology provides analytics to improve performance while minimizing injuries in sports, fitness, and our everyday lives. With a passion for movement and health, we endeavor to put human interaction at the center of coaching and training. If you'd like to be part of the early core team to help improve the world's movement, let us know.

Meet the Team

Founding Team

Sukemasa Kabayama
Co-Founder and CEO
Masa has held leadership roles at top global companies with a focus on innovation. Most recently as President of Tesla Motors Japan, he led the launch and market expansion strategy for the Model S. Prior to Tesla, Masa was Director of Education at Apple Japan, responsible for launching the iPad in the education sector and Country Manager at LEGO Education.
Jonathan Wills
Co-Founder and CTO
Jonathan is an engineer and entrepreneur with over 14+ years of experience. He was CEO & founder of Lumific, an intelligent photo management service, which was acquired by GoPro in 2015. At GoPro, he managed the computer vision team and built video-understanding technologies for smart video editing. Earlier in his career, he worked in the motion picture industry.
Rahul Rajan
Co-Founder and Chief AI Officer
Rahul has over a decade of experience designing and building context-aware systems. His expertise lies at the intersection of AI and Human-Computer Interaction. For his thesis, he built one of the first proactive systems to estimate real-time driver task load to reduce driver distraction. Rahul received his Ph.D. in Considerate Systems from Carnegie Mellon University.